
Basic Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary

The 30 short videos contain about 500 Basic Biblical Hebrew words that appear in the Hebrew Bible.
I pronounce each word as it appears on the screen. This is excellent practice for beginners of Biblical Hebrew who have taken our Online Course “Learn to Read and Write Biblical Hebrew” and for those of you who want to improve your reading skills.

Biblical Hebrew Verbal System

The Biblical Hebrew verbal system is the most difficult area you encounter in your studies.

In this playlist you find videos to explain and clarify basic information on Biblical Hebrew Verbs.

Reading Practice: Book of Jonah, ch. 1

The playlist contains all 16 verses of the first chapter of the Book of Jonah, each in a separate video. Sometimes, a verse is divided in two in order to keep a bigger font size in one video. The narration is slow which allows you to follow the Hebrew text easily.

Reading Practice: Exodus 12

The extra slow narration enables the listener to follow the Hebrew text easily. The pronunciation is clear and narrated according to the Sephardic pronunciation.

Parsing Biblical Hebrew Verbs – Tutorial of biblebento