Kennicott Bible


The Kennicott Bible is a lavishly illuminated manuscript from medieval Spain, finished in 1476. The hand-written Tanakh (Pentateuch, Prophets, Haggiographa) is completely vocalized and contains all the cantillation marks (accents).  It received its name from the English Hebraist Benjamin Kennicott (1718-1783) who did extensive research on various Hebrew manuscripts. Today, the Kennicott Bible is one of the treasures of the Bodleian Library, Oxford.  
Kennicott_Bible_184v185r.l-Wikimedia-CommonsOn this site you can view every page of the beautifully illuminated Kennicott Bible.

For $9,625.00 you can purchase a facsimile of MS. Kennicott 1. It is worth visiting this site anyhow (even if you should decide against the purchase); it provides a lot of background information on the manuscript and introduces the making of the facsimile – quite fascinating and very beautiful.

